Friday, February 11, 2011

Five Question Friday!

Well, hello, and happy Friday! My favorite day of the week and the sun is shining! Lots to be thankful for so I thought I'd start my weekend with a little Five Question Friday!

Hope you enjoy today's 5QF! I posted the rules below in case anyone wants to participate! If you do, please please please post a link on my blog so I can see yours! :)

Rules for 5QF: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them, then watch for the linky to appear Friday morning! And make sure you have fun! 

1. Would you rather be on ABC's Extreme Home MakeOver or TLC's What not to Wear?

That's a tough one. I don't really watch either of these shows so can I just have another question? I guess I'll have to go with ABC's Extreme Home MakeOver...and only because the idea of someone else designing/decorating my house sounds pretty fab. 

I know, I know, that sounds bad, because I know why these people are on the show...but I'm just being honest. And if we're still being honest, I admit that I'd LOVE to hire an interior decorator. In fact, throw a contractor in the mix, too! They can each spend the week at my house!

I know, I know, that sounds bad, because I know why these people are on the show...but I'm just being honest. And if we're still being honest, I admit that I'd LOVE to hire an interior decorator. In fact, throw a contractor in the mix, too! They can each spend the week at my house!

As for What not to Wear, I'd much rather be a host - not a featured guest. And I swear I wouldn't be nearly as mean as the hosts are now!

2. Do you have any tattoos?

I don't like this question either. But, yes, I have a freaking butterfly on my left foot. WHAT WAS I THINKING? I understand people getting tattoos that actually have meaning, some sort of significance to a past person in their life, a trip, some life-changing decision. But mine? No meaning, no significance. Just a tattoo that I thought I should have at the age of 18. I have, in fact, attempted to have it removed. $500 down the drain...yep. That's all I'm saying about that. 

3. Do you tell your kids about things you did growing up?

This question does not apply to me.

4. If the traffic signal turns yellow, do you stop or speed up? 

Speed up! 

5. What's your preference: chocolate or chips?

That's a toss-up. I prefer chips if I'm eating a sandwich and chocolate if it's around a certain time of the month.:)

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