Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What I'm LOVING Wednesday!

Happy, Happy Hump Day! We're officially halfway to the weekend! I hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine on this beautiful Wednesday (aside from the cold). I apologize for missing out on What I'm Loving Wednesday last week but here's What I'm Loving today! Enjoy!

1. I'm LOVING the sunshine! We haven't seen much of it lately so I'm soaking up every minute! Add the forecast for the weekend: sunny!

2. I'm LOVING Glee! On last night's episode Quinn & Finn are re-thinking their break-up. I really do like Quinn's new b/f, but let's be serious....Finn's a way better pick.

3. I'm LOVING that I've ordered/purchased all of my wedding gifts for 2011! Yay for wedding season!

4. I'm LOVING my PRINCE Pandora radio station! At this very moment, it's playing Super Freak. Takes me back to my sophomore year of high school. :) 

5. I'm LOVING that I went to hot yoga last night. Great workout and always puts me in the best mood! And yay for Saturday's Open House - who wants to join me?

6. I'm LOVING that the groundhog predicted an early spring. If only the groundhog could tell us when this early spring would arrive?

7. I'm LOVING my Dunkin' Donuts french vanilla coffee on this windy and cold morning. 

8. I'm LOVING that I have NO plans this weekend. Kinda nice ;)

9. I'm LOVING that we leave for VEGAS in 51 days for Ashley's bachelorette party!

10. I'm LOVING that I get to go the Aquarium for the FIRST time this month! Truth be told, I've been avoiding the Aquarium because I always envision hundreds of small children running around everywhere! Yikes.

11. I'm LOVING that I get to try out Zest and Zing this weekend! I've never been a huge fan of frozen meals...but I've tried them and they are pretty good! So, I think this will help out during the week. I'll let ya know!

12. I'm LOVING my Franklin Covey planner page saying for the day: "I make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes." 

13. AND I'm still LOVING the F-U song by Cee Lo Green, also known as the Happy Song. :) I just can't stop listening to it!

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